Voice Take Away

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Monday, 31 March 2014

5 Ways To Use Audio To Sell Books

Audio is one of the fastest-growing means of marketing and one of its greatest advantages is the fact that it can work for almost any product. Today, we’re going to explore how you can use audio to sell books. Below are your essential tips:

1 - Create A Book Trailer
A book trailer, I hear you ask?!? Believe it or not, book trailers are one of the hottest new things within the book market. Record a short audio or video clip that captures the essence of your book and share it online via social media. Want some inspiration - check this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r90INxcl1bc

2 - Audio Book Previews
Long before the obsession with e-books started it was all about the audio book. As any parent will know, it’s hard to find a young boy or girl in the western world who hasn’t listened to the Harry Potter audio book series. And in this newly digital age, the appeal of the audio book has by no means disappeared. Therefore, try using audio samples of your book as a way to reach out to potential buyers. Do a reading from your book - it could be anything from a few paragraphs to a couple of chapters - and publish it online.

3 - Book Club Podcasts
Podcasting is one of the most effective means of marketing as it shows off your expertise and draws in new people without appearing like a blatant marketing exercise. Within the context of selling books, perhaps use a podcast to have the author discuss their latest publication, what inspired them to write it, what it is about, etc. You could even upload a regular book club podcast, encouraging regular listeners to write in and review new books. If a potential customer hears an in-depth review of the book they are far more likely to buy it than if they just read the usual promotional jargon.

4 - Online Bonus Material
Ever finished a book and loved it so much that you just wanted more? Online audio content is the perfect way to provide bonus material for loyal readers, but can also be great for giving those who haven’t purchased the book a chance to get a glimpse at what it’s like. Why not try uploading short audio chapters about the main characters or the central themes?

5 - Guest on Radio and Other Podcasts
Don’t feel like you have to only use your own channels of communication to sell your book. Try pitching your book to radio stations with book review/arts shows and offer to come on and guest. Similarly, hunt down some of the many other book review podcasts available online and offer to come on. You’d be surprised how often these types of shows are looking for guests and contributors!

For more information about how to use audio for selling books, please visit: http://www.voicetakeaway.com

Friday, 14 March 2014

How The Travel Industry Can Use Audio Marketing

This is a guest blog from travel journalist Ben Clatworthy.

Audio marketing is one of the fastest growing ways to communicate a message, and it is particularly effective for businesses who rely on selling experiences. In few places does this apply more than the travel industry, where a well deployed piece of evocative audio can often be instrumental in securing those all-important bookings.

Imagine you're starting to think about holidays in the cold, damp months of late winter and early spring – the relaxation of the summer can seem a million miles away. Yet if you're a travel agent, hotel or resort, you can use audio marketing to help make such a scene feel a little bit more tangible. An exotic audio logo can neatly define the essence of your business. An emotive radio advert can make the listener dream of their summer break. Perhaps a collection of audio testimonials from your previous customers can help convince them that yours is a company they can trust to deliver a quality experience.

There is almost no limit to the number of ways in which audio can be used to help sell the wide range of products and services associated with the travel industry. Because of the nature of audio, its a great chance to get creative and communicate your message on a more instinctive level. For example, the sound of cow bells will always be more effective at painting a mental picture of a skiing break than some words on a page. Or try an audio blog from travel experts offering holiday advice and tips – it will always sound more personal and trustworthy than a round-robin email.

A key part of what drives our decision to book holidays, travel and foreign trips is our emotive desire to get away, explore and discover new experiences. Audio is one of the most powerful tools to unleash those emotions and it's about time the travel industry took full advantage.

Ben Clatworthy is a British journalist, specialising in travel, skiing and adventure sports. He has written for various publications including 'The Times' and 'In The Snow' magazine. For more information about Ben, please visit: http://benclatworthy.com