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Sunday, 6 July 2014

Why Is Podcasting So Popular?

"Now you have the power to connect with a new audience through the power of audio" - Jenny Brewster

This is a guest blog by Jenny Brewster, founder of 'The Podcast Academy;

Wow, podcasting is rising out the ashes all of a sudden - but why? Podcasting is becoming so popular here in the UK and as with all things we'll have early adopters who reap the benefits and there'll be those who are left scratching their heads a couple of years from now wondering why they didn't start their podcast show!

It's all down to the rise of the smartphone - it's that simple. When you create a Podcast show, you can even call it a radio show, YOU are creating targeted content that your listeners can tune into on ter go! Whether it's by the pool, on their mundane journey into work or even if they're in the gym - when I'm working out I always have the Judge Jools podcast playing and hey! Its' FREE…

Last week we had great news from Apple, they are turning the Podcast App into a NATIVE app! What does this mean for you - well, the Podcast app now comes preinstalled on all iPhones with the IOS8 operating system and above. Wait, there's even more great news, if it's not enough that Stitcher Radio are going into Ford car dashboards, now Apple will be doing the same with podcasts, though this is rolling out in the US first, we won't be far behind.

So why do YOU want a podcast show? Where do I start, if you have a business that you make a revenue stream from why would't you want one? Do you market your business? Do you use social media in your business? Maybe you blog, maybe you send out flyers or do mail drops? Now you have the power to connect with a new audience through the power of audio, the 1 billion strong iTunes audience, or the SoundCloud and Blackberry audiences - it's free!

By creating your very own Radio show you are reaching a target demographic with the power of audio, so how does this sell more of your products? When done the right way your intro and outdo on your show drive listeners to your website, when you dangle that lead magnet in front of a bunch of avid fans of your show you can bet your bottom dollar they're going straight to your site and grab it! Boom, you've captured their email data to talk to them offline through email marketing.

None of this is rocket science, it's simply applying all the marketing strategies you know but applying them to your podcast not your blog post that people don't have time to read. We're in a scan economy, you need to be capturing people's attention in creative ways. The minute we sit down at a PC we have a to do list as long as your arm, but when we're on the move the content we tune into is purely our choice. Podcasting is powerful - embrace it to position, promote and profit.

To find out more about Jenny or 'The Podcast Academy', please visit: http://jennybrewster.com