The Times They Are a-Changin' - Bob DylanIndeed they are. Here at Voice Takeaway HQ in the UK, the arrival of Atlantic storm Hurricane Bertha has reminded us that summer won't last forever. What's more, the leaves have started to turn a distinctly duller hue, and the evenings are noticeably drawing in.

Therefore, audio marketeers have the perfect opportunity to refresh their marketing content to make it appropriate for each new season. Otherwise, the sunny, summery advert you aired in June may prompt fits of nostalgic rage from your customers by the time they're still hearing it on a cold, damp day in November.
What's more, with seasonal celebrations such as Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year and Easter, come prime opportunities for successful audio marketing. If your business has a unique product to offer over Christmas, perhaps holidays, gifts or accessories, then make sure your marketing reflects the festive period.
Similarly, if you've got offers or deals on to mark a certain festival, then why not make a new advert of marketing campaign to reflect this? Not only will it make your business look and sound more topical, it can provide great opportunities to be creative and make a memorable impression on potential new customers.
As a suggestion, why not re-vamp your audio logo for Halloween? Especially if your brand identity is quite playful, why not have fun making it sound a little spooky? Alternatively, update your call greetings and on-hold marketing to notify your customers of your holiday opening hours or seasonal promotions. Then of course, there's always the wonderful opportunity to create a seasonal advert for radio or online.
Bob Dylan was right to note "The Times They Are a-Changin'" - make sure your audio marketing does too.