Fans of classic Budweiser adverts might be tempted to smile at Savage's answer-phone antics, but not Roy Keane. Upon hearing the message he immediately ditched his attempts to sign the player, deciding "I can't be f***ing signing that".
Whatever this amusing tale tells us about the personalities of Keane and Savage, it tells us something wider about the nature of professional employment. If an answer-phone message can put off potential employers like a football manager, it can sure as day put off clients, customers and colleagues.
A call greeting that is overly informal, or indeed one that just sounds amateurish can act like a big neon sign telling people to stay away from your business. Instead, take the time to invest in a high quality call greeting. Make it short, simple and professional or, if your business has a distinctive brand personality, create an effective way to communicate that in a succinct way.
For more information about call greetings, visit: