A few years ago, my business partner and I were wondering what would be the next “Big Thing” in online marketing. We’d done everything known to mankind but were looking for something really different, something that would take us ahead of the crowd.
We decided to try a video landing page and experimented with a number of designs before deciding on a page design with interactive links. To save on costs, mine was the voice that guided you through the website. We utilised our own video production equipment and the total cost of the experiment was £42.

A couple of years later, I decided to incorporate the same idea into the world of estate agency. The results were outstanding with a traffic flow that exceeded 25,000 visits per week. As an experiment we then took out the voice over and video’s and as a subsequence the online traffic fell by 75%. We knew video and voice was the way forward. From that moment on, we have never changed our thoughts regarding voice over and video production to market products online.
Done right, voice overs are one of the best ways of communicating with potential customers. We have worked with some of the largest TV production companies in the UK and incorporated our idea to great effect.
We highly recommend Voice Takeaway and the services they offer, it works for us and so why couldn’t it work for you?
For more information about Tom Benedict and Britain's Best Home, please visit: www.britainsbesthome.com
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