1. 84% of callers prefer messages on-hold to other options.
Think about it - would you rather have the sound of silence or professional and informative messages about the business' latest offers and services? What's more, there is almost no end of messaging you can use, so even if your caller is on-hold for several minutes, they needn't hear the same thing twice.
2. 90% of callers with silence on-hold hang up within 40 seconds. Music on-hold adds another 30 seconds to the hold time.
The sound of silence can make the caller feel unwanted or forgotten about. Just using music can help keep them on the line that little bit longer - increasing the likelihood that you'll be able to take their call and deal with their request.
3. Callers listening to info and music on-hold stay on the line up to three minutes longer.

4. 15-35% of callers purchase additional items and services as a result of something they've heard on-hold.
Don't waste those valuable minutes when you have a customer's attention. Use on-hold messaging to tell them about other products or services you provide. It may be the first time they're hearing about them. Also tell them your latest deals and offers or any useful stats that might re-enforce their need for your product.
(Sources: AT&T, North American Telecommunications Association, US West, Nationwide Insurance and Maximarketing Studies.)
Make sure you're using on-hold messaging as effectively as you can. Otherwise you're just flying in the face of all the evidence that shows it to be a hugely valuable means of content marketing.
For help creating on-hold messaging for your business or organisation, please visit: http://www.voicetakeaway.com/On-hold-s/1827.htm
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